
Mr Pogi International – First Male Beauty Pageant in Bahrain

In September the first ever male beauty pageant was held at the Baan Saeng Thai auditorium. BC caught up pageant winner Edgar Moussa to find out exactly what makes a Mr Pogi (Handsome).

Why did you do it?

It was my girlfriend Linda’s idea – she insisted I enter. She said I have what it takes. I never have and never thought I would do a pageant before. But, there is always a first time for anything.

What did your friends and family think?

Some of my friends thought it unusual that I would enter. I don’t think my family exactly grasped what I would be doing. However, when I was announced the winner my family’s table erupted like a volcano and my girlfriend was jumping up and down, she was overjoyed.

Now that you’re Mr Pogi, will you turn professional?

Maybe. Being a professional model requires lots of work and effort. Exercising, strict diets, always worrying about appearance… there is a lot I have to think about.

Any tips for those who will follow?

Always be yourself and believe in yourself. Practice; make sure you are ready for the event. Do your best, and if you make a mistake, ignore it. Always retain your manliness.

How important is it to always look good?

It’s not. If someone has a good face profile and a fit body, that’s enough.

Has this competition changed your life?

Yes! I am more confident now. It made me realise that my character and personality are quite good, even winning traits.

Aspiring model Mark Anthony Abellana may have placed 2nd in the Mr Pogi International male pageant held last month but it won’t be his last walk down the runway.

Why did you do it?

I have taken part in several pageants in the Philippines – I won Mr Earth 2006. But I wanted to see if I had what it takes to compete against international models.

What did your friends and family think?

Actually it was all down to my sister, Annie Abellana that I entered at all. She kept on at me and eventually she and her boyfriend, Ray, convinced me. They supported me all the way through.

Is modelling for you?

Definitely yes! If given a chance to do modelling stints here in Bahrain, I would gladly accept and if, in the future, there would be offers for shows or endorsements… I would be very willing to accept.

Any tips for those who will follow?

My advice would be: know and accept your weaknesses. Because by accepting them, you will know better how to conceal and overcome them. Keep smiling and remember that good looks would look dull without good attitude.

How important is it to always look good?

Very. For me, looking good is looking healthy. It is about positivity in your mind, heart and physical body – it should start within yourself.

What was a surprise and what will you most remember about the Mr Pogi pageant?

I did not expect so many entrants in the competition – it is good to know that there are a lot of aspiring and promising young men who share my drive to show their X factor, physique and talents. At first I was afraid to enter Mr Pogi but I realised that if you aim for something, you should put your mind and heart into it.

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